

Cobalt Drill Bit: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

When it comes to drilling, finding the right power tool accessories is very crucial.

And since not all cobalt drill bits are made equal, you need to be aware of their best features.

Knowing what to look for will eliminate the hassle of picking the wrong bits.

This is your ultimate guide for selecting a high-quality cobalt drill bit.

It covers everything that you need to know such as types of drill bits, design, benefits, uses, cost, and care methods.

So, before you head out to find the best cobalt drill bit, check this out.

What Are Cobalt Drill Bits?

A cobalt drill bit is made of 5-8% Cobalt that is blended to a base material like steel.

The 5% alloy is called M35 grade, while 8% alloy is M42.

Alone, cobalt is a weak material and deteriorates easily.

It needs another material to become functional and durable.

Relatively, cobalt enhances the strength of steel and makes the alloys more heat-resistant.

It has a boiling point of 2927 degrees Celsius and a melting point of 1495 degrees Celsius.

Fun fact: Cobalt has a silver-gray, almost blue color.

This makes cobalt a popular addition to add color to jewelry, porcelain, tile, enamel, glass, and pottery.

Why Choose Cobalt Drill Bits?

Do you know that cobalt was discovered in 1739 by a Swedish chemist Georg Brandt?

It is a byproduct of mining and refining iron, copper, silver, nickel, and lead.

Today, this metal element is mostly used as a metal to form alloys.

  • Stellite alloys contain cobalt, tungsten, and chromium.

They are used to make high-speed cutting tools and dyes.

  • Alnico alloy is made of cobalt, nickel, and aluminum.

They are used to make permanent magnets.

  • Other alloys with cobalt are used to make gas turbines, jet engines, magnetic steels, and stainless steels.

The combination of alloy or metal and a small amount of cobalt produce incredible and reliable products. 

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How to Keep the Cobalt Drill Bits in Good Condition?

Like any other tool accessories, cobalt drill bits are subject to wear in the long run.

They become dulled or blunted after a long period of constant use.

To keep them in good running condition,  proper care and maintenance is a must.

1.Clean them as you work to get rid of debris that can scratch or damage the bits.

2.Intermittent wiping with a clean cloth is necessary.

3.Before storage, wipe them and apply a small amount of machine oil.

4.Store them in a safe and moisture-free room.

5.Consider using a lubricant or cutting fluid that keeps the bits cool.

6.Always observe the right drilling speed to sustain their maximum performance and longevity.

7.Only use your cobalt drill bits to drill holes in metals.

8.Do not throw dull bits. Restore the sharp edges with a bench grinder from time to time.

Are Cobalt Drill Bits Costly?

Compared to other types of bits, cobalt drill bits are more expensive.

But they are good investments.

They last longer and perform better.

You can buy them in sets or individually.

The price also varies from one supplier or manufacturer to another.

Another factor is the value of cobalt in the unit.

The higher the amount of cobalt, the pricier the drill bits.

Post time: Sep-15-2023