The Understanding Of Flap Disc Type
Flap discs are designed to increase efficiency and reduce overall costs by grinding, blending and polishing in a single step. Flap discs are constructed to layer abrasive coated flaps so that as the flaps wear, new, sharp abrasive grains are exposed on the new flaps.

Flap Disc Type:
Choosing the right disc shape is of utmost importance, the shape will help you achieve the effect effectively. Flap discs come in two shapes: T27 & T29.

T27 Flap grinding discs are ideal for grinding flat workpieces. Flat flap grinding discs are best suited for mixed and finishing operations. They are mainly used for flat surfaces. The flap of the flap grinding disc adheres to the base plate, providing stability during operation.
The T29 flap discs are your best helper when you need to remove large amounts of material in a relatively short period of time. They are suitable for edge machining and contouring. The flaps are inclined. As a result, these discs provide a larger surface area for removing blanks on horizontal surfaces.
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Post time: Mar-04-2024